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Spring Drive is a capability development organization focusing on bringing real-life entrepreneurial experiences to current and future entrepreneurs. To us, being an entrepreneur is more than starting a business or bringing an innovation to a large operation; being an entrepreneur is about having an action-based mindset that helps guide us through all facets of life.


We understand the power of global thought leadership and the importance of local knowledge and application. All our facilitators have strong exposure in the Greater China entrepreneurship space. We do not believe an entrepreneurial mindset can ever be taught, we are merely creating the best environment for it to happen.

Spring Drive 是一家培育創業能力的組織,致力於為現在和未來的企業家帶來現實生活中的創業經驗。 對我們來說,做一個企業家不僅僅是開創企業,也不是將創新帶入大型經營活動; 作為一個企業家是關於採取一種基於行動的心態來幫助我們實現生活的各個方面。我們理解全球思想領導力的力量與地區性知識及相關應用的重要性,而目前 Spring Drive 業師群在大中華區創新創業領域相當活躍。我們不認為創業思維是有辦法被教導的,我們只是創造最好的環境讓創業思維在其中自然孕育出。














Arthur Chen

作為一名連續創業家和創投,Arthur 現任比翼資本的執行董事,負責美國和大中華的醫療科技新創投資,並幫助所投資團隊向海外市場擴展。Arthur亦擔任社會影響力基金 43Ventures 的投資人,專注於 Impact Investments。並同時為Spring Drive 的共同創始人,台灣交通大學及香港理工大學客座講師,設計多元新創課程,致力幫助創業家在初創時所需資金和資源媒合,並擔任國家發展委員會創業天使計劃評委及科技部生技醫療價創計畫招集人。2015 年 MOSA 及 2016 年 Term Sheet Camp 共同策展人,協助推廣及培育台灣青年創業家精神。Arthur 從哥倫比亞及倫敦商學院獲得 


A serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Arthur works as the Executive Director at BE Capital, a healthcare focused investment firm, where he manages and invests a portfolio of medical technology ventures in the USA and Greater China. Meanwhile, he is also an impact investor at #43 Ventures, with strong dedication to supporting youth entrepreneurship. Prior to VC/PE experience, Arthur was the CEO of Kenyataa Light World- the start-up he founded in 2010, to develop transformational technologies and business models that revolutionize the economics & daily tasks of improvised families in Africa and developing countries.

Arthur received his EMBA from Columbia and London business Schools, and is taking Stanford GSB’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Certificate Program. He is also an amateur Jazz sax and basketball lover.


活躍於科網創業和天使投資,為創業團隊及國際機構擔任導師和顧問的角色, 現時擔任43 Ventures 始創合夥人以及 WYNG 43 Social Investment 執行董事。 林先生亦同時為2014及2015年度香港資訊科技初創企業獎、商業市場組別擔任評審主席,香港理工大學客席講師,理工大學以及中文大學技術支援基金TSSSU評核委員,國際科創組織TiE香港分部始創成員, 香港天使投資脈絡會員, 香港理工大學微創基金評核委員,香港投資推廣署創業論壇評審委員,以及香港中文大學創業研究中心評審及顧問。


An entrepreneur, angel investor and business advisor for early-stage technology companies in Hong Kong, US, China, Australia and Taiwan.


We invest and manage a portfolio of early-stage technology ventures in US and Asia, and provide entrepreneurial training and venture support for young entrepreneurs. Felix is also the founding partner for #43 Ventures and director for WYNG 43 Social Investment, with a focus on the convergence of social innovation and technological impact.


Prior to that, he held engineering, sales & marketing positions for Alcatel-Lucent, Hewlett-Packard and Nortel Networks in the Asia Pacific region. He holds a Bachelor in Electrical Engineering (First Class Honours) and Master of Engineering Science in Telecommunications from the University of New South Wales. Felix was awarded the Australian Students Prize in 1990.


邱啟華先生擁有超過二十年企業管理和資訊科技諮詢服務的經驗。他是43 Ventures的共同創辦人。43 Ventures是一家私人投資和顧問公司,主要對象是對社會和環境有貢獻的初創公司。在創辦43 Ventures之前,他是安永事務所諮詢部門的合伙人,擁有豐富營運管理、風險控管、資訊策略、財務及內控管制的實務經驗。曾經在大中華區主要城市工作過,包括香港,上海和台北。邱先生是電腦工程學士,電子工程碩士和法律學士。他也是香港董事學會資深會員及香港及澳洲會計師公會的資深會計師。


Leroy has over 20 years of professional experiences in business and IT advisory services.  He is the co-founder of 43 Ventures, a private investment and advisory firm that focuses on social and environmental focused startups.  Prior to founding 43 Ventures, he was an Advisory partner at EY and has vast experiences in business processes, risk management, IT strategy, and financial and internal controls.  He has worked in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Taipei.

A graduate in computer/electronic engineering and laws, Leroy is also a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, CPA Australia and The Hong Kong Institute of Directors.  


高而芬(Rabbie),網路筆名高小兔,是個業務、創業家與科技部落客。熱愛美食、寫作與研究各種有趣的商業模式。經營個人部落格《創業兔筆記》(,經常分享關於教育科技、投資理財與新市場開發等主題的文章,並發表於今周刊、數位時代、Inside 等媒體。

畢業於交大資訊與財金管理學系,最有興趣的是傳播科技,最想改變的是教育科技。曾在 FinTech 跨國新創擔任 PM 角色,目前在線上教育平台 Hahow 好學校擔任 BD,負責商業開發。

Rabbie (ErhFen) Kao is a full-time entrepreneurial BD and a part-time tech blogger. She has 5+ years of experience in a fast-paced startup environment. Proficient at business development, strategic account management, product management and growth marketing. Help start-up companies gain a competitive edge and increase revenue by identifying sales and marketing opportunities, forging and developing relationships with companies or communities that enable continued rapid growth.

Rabbie loves food, writing and studying all kinds of interesting business models. Her blog, RabbieStartup, has provided inspirations and insight about EdTech, Finance and Business Development to the millions of readers in the startup community in Taiwan. She received her B.S. majoring in Information and Finance Management from the National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan.

the team


For any inquiries, please contact us:

Arthur Chen   |

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